About BoaPhilePlastics

Since 2000

Boaphile Plastics began with the first thermo-formed fully glued and chemically sealed lightweight black PVC cages in 2000. Since then nearly all innovations seen in the reptile cage industry can find their roots in our original designs.

Resourceful ideas reaching new heights!

Our founder and owner, Jeff Ronne Sr.-The Boaphile, was that hyperactive child with a vivid imagination that was evident from the start. Jeff is the Reptile keeper who figured out how to breed Boas in captivity without knowing if that was even possible.  From his early years, his adventurous curiosity drove him to learn all he could about animals in general and Reptiles in particular. The fact that it was not known did not discourage Jeff but only served as the reason for him to figure it out.

How it all began

His first captive breeding success was at the age of ten, in this very tank producing the commonly kept cichlid, Convicts.

Jeff's first pair of Boas in 1985

These Boas, Big Momma and Big Daddy, formed the foundation of many of the Boa Constrictors bred in captivity today.

Jeff Jr. and Dear Old Dad in 1988

Jeff's self-built melamine cages can be seen in this happy image posing with who would eventually become his right-hand man. 🙂

A school visit in his daughter's 3rd grade class made Christina the cool kid for the day.

For most of us, the idea of astronomy is something we directly connect to “stargazing”, telescopes.

A view down the center aisle where the magic happens.

This is where Jeff conjures up his often crazy and varied Boa Constrictor puppies enjoyed by the masses. Jeff is a believer in giving his Boas a view from cages that are rock solid. Plus, the keeper can tell at a glance what is happening without touching a thing.

RhinoRaXX are the standard in fully enclosed, humidity retaining, lifetime-lasting reptile tanks for all smaller reptiles.

For most of us, the idea of astronomy is something we directly connect to “stargazing”, telescopes.

Ready to level up your cages?

You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore - Christopher Columbus